Hedges & Highways Camperships
Important Information & Registration


The Hedges and Highways Scholarship ($395) has been paid for by friends of Camp Eagle and allows each camper to attend ONE (Camp Week) per year as a gift. Your Camper MUST attend all the days of the desired camp session, no partial sessions are permitted. 

Once we receive your camper’s registration you will be sent an email two weeks prior to the camp date confirming receipt of the registration. It is very important to enter an accurate email address on the registration form.  The camper will then be checked-in on the Monday the camp week begins according to the date on your camper's registration.  

Registration will remain open until all the beds at camp are filled.  Because of the high number of registered campers that do not show up for camper check-in on Monday, we accept more registrations than there are beds at Camp Eagle.  This is why it is very important your camper arrives at Shenandoah Baptist Church Gymnasium no later than 8:45 AM on the Monday the week their camp begins for Camper Check-in.  An adult must remain with the camper until the check-in process for your camper is completed.  Pre-registered campers will be taken first and in the order the registration was received.  You may bring a printed registration form to Camper Check-in, however these will not be processed until all Pre-registered Campers are completed.  If you choose to complete a paper registration, it would be extremely beneficial to mail or hand deliver your camper's registration to the Camp Eagle Office (located inside the Shenandoah Baptist Church Office) located at 6520 Williamson Road, Roanoke, VA 24019, to receive a time stamp and be Pre-registered. 

If your camper does not come to camper check-in, he/she may lose their reservation to the next registered camper.  If, after you hear all the information the Director of Camp Eagle gives at camper check-in, you decide your camper is not ready for camp, then you may choose to give up your camper's spot to the next camper registered.  If you are later than 8:45 AM to camper check-in, your camper may lose their spot.  Your camper’s registration does not guarantee your camper a week at camp, it is only the first step in the registration process.  Your camper will be permitted to attend if there is a bed available (the earlier the registration is received, the better), he/she comes to camper check-in on time, agrees to the rules and passes the head check at the nurse’s station.


On Monday, the week of your camp week, a bus will leave from Shenandoah Baptist Church after the Check-In process is completed, 6520 Williamson Road, Roanoke, VA, to transport campers to Camp Eagle. 


On Friday at 10:30AM, your Camper will arrive at Shenandoah Baptist Church. Parents should plan to pick up their Campers at that time.  Please do not be late.  


Call (540) 366-2433, if no answer, please leave a message. The messages are checked frequently and your call will be handled promptly.


Sleeping bag or bed roll (sheets and blanket for a twin mattress), pillow, towels, toiletries, flashlight, light jacket, rain gear, two pairs of shoes, one piece swimsuit, casual and modest clothing appropriate for camp, Bible, pen or pencil.  Suggested snack money is $25. Staff members reserve the right to have campers change clothing at any time.    


Radios, personal listening devices, TVs, electronic games, cigarettes, non-prescription drugs, alcoholic beverages, fireworks, firearms, knives or weapons of any kind, magazines, cell phones, pets, or skateboards.  Please do NOT bring food or drinks.    


All campers with contagious diseases or conditions, including lice, are not permitted to attend camp. Camp Eagle has a "zero nit" lice policy.  During the Check-In process all overnight campers must Check-In with the Camp Nurse prior to meeting their Counselor and cabin group. Camp Eagle Counselors administer prescription medication and over-the counter medications (OTC) under the instruction of the Camp Nurse while he/she is a camper at Camp Eagle. All water activities are lifeguard supervised. For enhanced safety, all day campers are required to wear a life-jacket which is supplied by Camp Eagle. Your Camper’s registration includes a medical questionnaire and a Medical Authorization and Assumption of Risk Participation and Indemnity Agreement, to read the Medical Authorization and Assumption of Risk Agreement, please click here.

For select activities and cabin assignments, Camp Eagle separates campers by gender. According to the Statement of Faith, we believe that God wonderfully foreordains and immutably creates each person as male or female in conformity with one’s biological sex. Gender is therefore a purpose of God’s good creation (Genesis 1:26-27), and a rejection of one’s biological sex is a rejection of this purpose for his or her life. When registering your camper, please select the gender (male or female) as assigned at birth.

Each staff member is carefully selected and interviewed extensively regarding their Christian walk, spiritual growth, attitude of service, and willingness to learn.  All staff submit to a federal background check, are rigorously trained, and are ready to build relationships with the campers.  Approved volunteers are also background checked while on the camp property when camp is in session.  Parents are only permitted on the campgrounds during camper check-in and at pick-up times. 


In an effort to protect the safety of the campers and to ensure an orderly camp, the Camp Director reserves the right to dismiss any camper for reasons of safety or inappropriate behavior such as disobedience, bullying, disrespect, etc. Campers dismissed from Camp Eagle may forfeit all future opportunities to attend.


Campers do not have access to phones except in the case of an emergency.  Campers are expected to stay the entire time except in cases of illness or emergency at home.  All visitors must have approval from the Camp Director to be on camp property. 


Lost items, with an estimated value of $50 or greater per item, will be kept for one week and then discarded.  All other items will be discarded after the camper departs from their week of camp.  Camp Eagle is not responsible for items lost, left or removed from Camp Eagle or any of the drop-off locations. 


If you would prefer a registration form to be mailed to you, please call (540) 366-2433.

Additional information can be found on our FAQs page. However, this information is specific to the Hedges & Highway Camp Week and contains the most accurate information for this camp week.

Hedges & Highways Request for Registration Form

(Once this form is submitted, you will receive an email on how to proceed with the registration.
Once the registration process is completed your camper will be registered for this camp week.)