Camper Guidelines & FAQs

We are excited to serve your child at Camp Eagle! Therefore, safety, supervision, and fun are of the utmost importance to us.

At Camp Eagle, we strive to minimize distractions and maximize the Lord Jesus Christ in an environment where campers will have a phenomenal time! With this in mind, we have created these guidelines and information to make this the best time of your camper's summer and possibly their life! Our goal is to have an environment where campers enjoy an outdoor experience, friends, games, and life-changing experiences without pressures and distractions. Your cooperation with all written, implied, and/or verbal camp policies is greatly appreciated and expected.

Check-In - Summer Camp Programs

All Campers MUST have the online forms completed before arriving at Camper Check-in (Overnight Campers and Day Campers) for their stay at Camp Eagle. Please make sure all forms have been completed online by logging in to the Camp Eagle Portal and checking the Forms page located under the “view details” for the CURRENT YEAR of the portal. Please make sure an updated photo of your camper has been uploaded to the Camp Eagle Portal.  This can be done by logging into the portal, selecting "view details," and in the document upload section box, find "camper photo" and clicking "upload".  Select your photo and select "submit".  That's it!  This helps the Camp Eagle staff in so many ways!  Thank you!

Junior & Teen Overnight Camp: Please arrive at Camp Eagle on Monday between 9 and 10:30 AM. Every camper arriving for check-in must be registered either online using the Camp Eagle Portal or a paper registration (call the Camp Office for a paper registration - 540-366-2433).

Lil' Eagles Overnighter: Please arrive at Camp Eagle on Friday at 4 PM. Every camper arriving for check-in must be registered either online using the Camp Eagle Portal or a paper registration (call the Camp Office for a paper registration - 540-366-2433).

Day Camp: Please arrive daily (Monday - Friday) between 7:45 AM and 8:30 AM at your drop-off location. Every camper arriving for check-in at all drop-off locations must be registered either online using the Camp Eagle Portal* (please see the payments section for more details*) or a paper registration (call the Camp Office for a paper registration - 540-366-2433).

Need directions?  Click HERE!

Departure - Summer Camp Programs

Junior & Teen Overnight Camp: Please arrive for pickup at Camp Eagle on Friday at 4 PM.

Lil' Eagles Overnighter: Please arrive for pickup at Camp Eagle on Saturday at 4 PM.

Day Camp: Please arrive daily (Monday - Friday) for pickup between 4:45 PM and 5:30 PM at your drop-off location.  (Late pickups will be charged $1 per minute, due at the time of pickup.)

Camper Pick-Up & Drop-Off

Summer Overnight Campers are dropped off and checked in for their camp week at Joe Mama’s Coffee Shop, 411 Camp Eagle Road in Fincastle, between 9 and 11 AM.  Anyone may drop the Camper off and complete the Camper’s Check-In, however, they must have permission from the parent or guardian to sign permission forms (if needed) and answer any questions from the Camp Staff and Nursing Staff during the Camper Check-In process.  Payment for the Camper’s camp week is expected in full before or at Camper Check-In & Drop-Off unless other arrangements have been made with the Camp Eagle Office.  

Summer Overnight Camper - Pick-Up is Friday at 4 PM at 411 Camp Eagle Road in Fincastle.  The Camper’s Authorized Pick-Up List is completed during the registration process and can be viewed and edited in the Camp Eagle Portal (  The form is located under the Household Forms (click “update”). Campers are permitted to leave with those listed on the Camper’s Authorized Pick-Up List only unless the parent or guardian has set a Pick-Up Password.  Anyone with the Pick-Up Password will be permitted to pick up the Camper.  Listing someone in the family household does not automatically allow the Camper to be picked up by that person unless they are also on the Camper’s Authorized Pick-Up List or have the Pick-Up Password. If someone attempts to pick up the Camper without the proper permissions, one or both parents or guardians will be contacted by the Camp Office, the Summer Camp Director, or the Associate Pastor for Camp Ministries for verbal permission before allowing the Camper to leave Camp Eagle’s property. Once verbal permission is granted, that person will be added to the Camper’s Authorized Pick-Up List and released to their care.  In custody cases, a court order stating the details of the custody agreement must be submitted to the Camp Eagle Office

Summer Day Campers are dropped off and checked in daily (Monday - Friday) at Joe Mama’s Coffee Shop Porch or RVCS|SBC lower playground (according to the Drop-Off & Pick-Up location selected during Camper registration) between the hours of 7:45 and 8:30 AM.  If the Camper is dropped off at RVCS|SBC, the bus will leave promptly at 8:30 AM.  Anyone may drop the Camper off and complete the Camper’s check-in, however, they must have permission from the parent or guardian to sign permission forms (if needed) and answer any questions from the Camp Staff and Nursing Staff during the Camper Check-In process.  Payment for the Camper’s camp week is expected in full before or by the Camper Check-In unless other arrangements have been made with the Camp Eagle Office.  

Summer Day Campers are picked up daily (Monday - Friday) between 4:45 PM and 5:30 PM from the designated Pick-Up Location (Camp Eagle or RVCS|SBC) selected during Camper registration. The Camper’s Authorized Pick-Up List is completed during the registration process and can be viewed and edited in the Camp Eagle Portal (  The form is located under the Household Forms (click “update”). Campers are permitted to leave with those listed on the Camper’s Authorized Pick-Up List only unless the parent or guardian has set a Pick-Up Password.  Anyone with the Pick-Up Password will be permitted to pick up the Camper.  Listing someone in the family household does not automatically allow the Camper to be picked up by that person unless they are also on the Camper’s Authorized Pick-Up List or have the Pick-Up Password. If someone attempts to pick up the Camper without the proper permissions, one or both parents or guardians will be contacted by the Camp Office, the Summer Camp Director, or the Associate Pastor for Camp Ministries for verbal permission before allowing the Camper to leave Camp Eagle’s property. Once verbal permission is granted, that person will be added to the Camper’s Authorized Pick-Up List and released to their care.  In custody cases, a court order stating the details of the custody agreement must be submitted to the Camp Eagle Office


Camp Eagle offers several discounts for Overnight and Day Camps. To review these opportunities, click HERE!

What to Bring

Overnight Campers: Bible, notebook or journal, pen or pencil, sleeping bag or bed roll (bunk beds are full-sized TWIN mattresses), pillow, towels, toiletries, flashlight, disposable camera, light jacket or sweatshirt, rain gear, two pairs of shoes, swimsuit, sunscreen, bug spray (if desired), camp appropriate clothing, and spending money. Please mark all belongings.  If your camper is registered for Horsemanship, one pair of long pants is required. Cameras are permitted, and disposables are recommended. Cameras attached to phones are not permitted as phones must be checked in at camper check-in. The Camp Eagle Staff reserves the right to confiscate items that we deem inappropriate or detrimental to campers or the camp experience.  For your Camper’s printable packing checklist, click here!

Day Campers: Monday - Friday Day Campers please come wearing your swimsuit and sunscreen. For Day Campers this saves A LOT of time and gives them more swim time! Bring a towel, bug spray (if desired) spending money, and sunscreen to reapply after swimming. Please mark all belongings especially your Camper's backpack with their name. 

What Not to Bring

Radio, personal listening devices, TV, electronic games, cigarettes, drugs of any kind (except for prescription/nonprescription medicines that will be checked in with the camp nurse) alcoholic beverages, fireworks, firearms, knives, weapons of any kind, magazines, pets, skateboards, food or drinks.

Phone & Electronic Policy

Our goal is to provide an enthusiastic and interactive atmosphere that minimizes distractions, emphasizes fun, and provides relaxation with an opportunity to meet new friends. We ask that you "unplug" and take a vacation from cell phones, video games, computers, TV, personal listening devices, social networks, and any other gadgets for your camp week by not bringing them to camp. (*Camp Eagle does not provide a phone for campers to call home. If the camper is struggling with homesickness the Camp Director, Assistant Director or the Camp Nurse will contact the parents.)

Spending Money

You may add spending money (canteen money) to your camper’s account at any time. You can add additional money after you have already added funds during registration. Doing this through the Camp Eagle Portal is simple if you know how.
These steps will hopefully help you navigate with ease:
1. Under View My Registrations - scroll to the bottom and location “Continue a Registration in Progress” and select “Continue application”
2. Locate the camper you desire to add canteen funds to and click their name at the top under “Select Sessions”
3. Select the desired camp session to add the canteen funds to and click “show details”
4. Under Camp Store & Canteen Deposit, select the desired amount to deposit
5. Click “Continue” at the bottom. If “Continue” is not green, you may have to deselect any camper you are not making changes to, if multiple campers are selected, then click “Continue”.
**Please note, due to a system limitation, you cannot select the same canteen deposit twice. If you would like to select the same amount for the deposit, please contact Jackie in the Camp Office ( or 540-366-2433) to have the canteen deposit manually added to your account, then you can proceed with the payment through the Camp Eagle Portal.

Overnight Campers: Concessions, hats, t-shirts, souvenirs, and more (like crafts, books, etc.) can be purchased from the Country Eagle Gift Shop throughout the camp week. Suggested spending money for the week is $75. Any funds added to your camper’s canteen balance after Camper Check-In may take up to 24 hours to show on their account at Camp Eagle. Refunds for excursions and canteens may be posted back to the household account and refunded to the parent using a previously used credit card (if available), mailed a check, or refunded to the camper in cash on the final day of overnight camp. Canteen balances of less than $5 will be invested in reaching souls for Christ.

Day Campers: Lunch is included in the Day Camp tuition. Additional snacks, hats, t-shirts, and souvenirs can be purchased at the Country Eagle Gift Shop. Suggested spending money for the week is $50. Any funds added to your camper’s canteen balance may take up to 24 hours to show on their canteen account at Camp Eagle. Day Camper’s Canteen balances roll over from week to week and will be refunded at the end of the summer camp season. If you would like a refund sooner because your camper will not be returning, please notify the Camp Office so we can expedite your refund. Canteen balances of less than $5 will be invested in reaching souls for Christ.

Every camper arriving for check-in at all drop-off locations must be registered either online using the Camp Eagle Portal or a paper registration (call the Camp Office for a paper registration - 540-366-2433).


Payments for tuition, canteen, gift shop, and excursions can be made at any time before the start of the camper’s camp week. The tuition payment is requested the week before the camp week begins but is not required and expected in full until the Monday of check-in for both Day Camp and Overnight Camps. (Camper payments attending with a Church Group will be arranged by the church you are attending with as a group.)

A camper may not attend the camp week (Day Camp or Overnight Camp) if the tuition payment has not been paid in full at the time of check-in unless other arrangements have been made with the Camp Office. *If the Camp Staff registers your day camper because they were not registered when they were dropped off at the drop-off location, then the daily day camp rate will be charged, even if the camper is attending all week.

You may add to a camper’s canteen at any time. It may take 24-48 hours to post to their account depending on the internet connectivity at Camp Eagle. If the additional funds did not have time to post to their account and will be refunded as unused spending money. Payments may be completed at any time through the Camp Eagle Portal.

Additional Excursion Permission Forms

Horsemanship and Tubing the James are the only add-on excursions that require an additional release form. These forms are completed digitally through the Camp Eagle Portal. Once you have added the desired excursion to your camper’s cart, the necessary form will become available. Please make sure you have completed all the necessary forms to ensure your camper’s participation in these excursions. A sample PDF version of these forms is available for your review: Horsemanship Release Form CLICK HERE, for the Tubing the James Release Form CLICK HERE. (Please do not print these forms and bring them to Camp Eagle, they are just samples. These forms must be completed online via the Camp Eagle portal to be valid.)

Clothing Guidelines

Our guidelines are in place to ensure all campers are comfortable and dressed modestly and distractions are minimized.  Our dress guidelines are in place to assist all campers in having a phenomenal time without being hindered and/or offended by clothing. Campers wearing shirts with symbols or messages that are deemed inappropriate by the Camp Staff will be asked to change their clothing.  The Camp Eagle Staff reserves the right to ask any person to change their clothing to minimize distractions and maximize the camp experience. 

The campers have started a tradition of dressing a little nicer for dinner and the evening camp services.  While this is NOT required, it does bring an opportunity for campers to dress up just a little.

Boys: Tank tops and sleeveless shirts are not permitted. Shirts must cover the mid-section when the hands are raised. 

Girls: Tank tops and sleeveless shirts are not permitted. Shirts must cover the mid-section when the hands are raised. Shorts must reach the center of the thigh.  Only modest swimsuits are permitted. Modest one-piece swimsuits are encouraged, however, two-piece swimsuits are permitted if the top piece touches the bottom piece. Dresses and skirts should touch the wearer’s knees when in a seated position. Low-cut shirts are not permitted. Tight-fitting garments are not permitted.

Health & Safety

All campers with contagious diseases or conditions, including lice, are not permitted to attend camp. Camp Eagle has a "zero nits" lice policy.  During the Check-In process, all overnight campers must check in with the Camp Nurse before meeting their Counselor and cabin group. The Camp Eagle Nurses or medically certified staff administer prescription medication and over-the-counter medications (OTC) while the camper is at Camp Eagle. All water activities are lifeguard-supervised. For enhanced safety, all-day campers are required to wear a life jacket which is supplied by Camp Eagle. Your Camper’s registration includes a medical questionnaire and a Medical Authorization and Assumption of Risk Participation and Indemnity Agreement, to read the Medical Authorization and Assumption of Risk Agreement, please click here.

Wellness Policy: If your camper develops a fever over 100.4 or is vomiting, the camper's parents, or the emergency contact on file, will be contacted to pick up the camper immediately. Your camper must be symptom-free for at least 24 hours before returning or attending camp. This is to protect the wellness of all campers, leaders, and their families. Please make sure you have an emergency contact on file in case of illness or emergency.  By completing your camper's registration and signing the Medical Authorization waiver you are agreeing to the wellness policy for your camper. Camp Eagle will do everything possible to reschedule your camper’s week if the camper is sent home due to illness.

Your camper’s health and safety are important to us. If your camper has health needs that require additional assistance from our Camp Nurse, additional documentation may be requested from your Primary Care Physician (PCP) to properly care for your camper while at Camp. Examples of these circumstances may include (but are not limited to): asthma, diabetes, and allergic reactions. These health concerns may require an action plan from the Primary Care Physician which can be uploaded securely in the Camp Eagle Portal. If you need assistance on how to upload your action plan, please contact Jackie at 540-366-2433.

For select activities and cabin assignments, Camp Eagle separates campers by gender. According to the Statement of Faith, we believe that God wonderfully foreordains and immutably creates each person as male or female in conformity with one’s biological sex. Gender is therefore a purpose of God’s good creation (Genesis 1:26-27), and a rejection of one’s biological sex is a rejection of this purpose for his or her life. When registering your camper, please select the gender (male or female) as assigned at birth.

Each staff member is carefully selected and interviewed extensively regarding their Christian walk, spiritual growth, attitude of service, and willingness to learn.  All staff submit to a federal background check, are rigorously trained, and are ready to build relationships with the campers.  Approved volunteers are also background checked while on the camp property when camp is in session.  Parents are only permitted on the campgrounds during camper check-in and pick-up times. 

Disciplinary Policy

To ensure the safety of the campers and an orderly camp, the Camp Director reserves the right to dismiss any camper, without refund, for reasons of safety or inappropriate behavior. If a camper is dismissed from camp, the Camp Director will have the parent or guardian immediately pick up the camper from Camp Eagle. Please carefully read all the information from this FAQs webpage and the Statement of Faith. By sending your camper to Camp Eagle, you are agreeing to cooperate in these areas and understand violations in these areas may result in the dismissal from Camp Eagle.

It is vital campers respect and obey Camp Eagle staff members for their own safety and the safety of others. When a camp rule is broken this general disciplinary outline will be followed. Depending on the severity of the infraction, Camp Eagle reserves the right to skip steps in the discipline process. Refunds will not be given for days missed due to disciplinary actions.

Camp Eagle’s Disciplinary Process

  1. The camp Counselor addresses with the camper why we cannot break that rule.

  2. The camp Counselor takes time off of camp activities.

  3. Upon repeated low-level infractions or one high-level infraction, the camp counselor takes the camper to talk with a director. Director and counselor, together, hand out a punishment (time off activity, or sitting out with the director). Speaking with a director is considered a “strike” on the camper’s record.

(overnight Campers ONLY Tuesday - Friday):

  • Breakfast casserole

  • Eggs

  • Chicken & Waffles

  • Cinnamon Rolls

  • Chocolate chip pancakes

  • Bacon

  • Sausage Biscuits

  • Hash browns

  • Cereal Bar

  • Yogurt Bar

  • Fruit

  • Sausage links

  • Breakfast burritos

  • Chocolate chip muffins

  • Pancakes



  • Salad bar

  • Chicken tenders

  • Carrots

  • Fries

  • Tacos

  • Mexican rice

  • Corn dogs

  • Tator tots

  • Krispy chicken sandwich

  • Waffle fries

  • Pizza

  • Grapes

  • Hot dogs

  • French fries

  • Chicken quesadillas

  • Corn

  • Chicken wraps

  • Broccoli

  • Homemade chips

  • Mashed potatoes

  • Ham & cheese sliders

(overnight Campers only
Monday - Thursday):

  • Salad bar

  • BBQ

  • Green beans

  • Macaroni & cheese

  • Lasagna

  • Garlic bread

  • Hamburgers

  • Watermelon

  • Rolls

  • Homemade Pot Roast

  • Hibachi chicken

  • Roasted vegetables

  • Fried rice

  • Hot dogs

  • Chips

  • Homemade cobbler

  • Ice cream

  • Brownies

  • Cookies

  • S’mores rice crispy treats